愛孩子 - 學前單位社工服務
Kids in Love - Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions
Kids in Love - Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions
「愛.孩子」- 學前單位社工服務由社會福利署資助,由2019年2月起在學前單位提供駐校社工服務,為學前兒童及其家庭提供預防性、發展性及治療性的社工服務,讓學童在關愛的環境中健康快樂成長。Kids in Love – Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions is subvented by the Social Welfare Department. Since February 2019 , The Pilot Scheme provides preventive, developmental and therapeutic social work services for children and their family in pre-primary institutions, to cultivate a caring environment for children to grow healthily and happily.
服務內容Scope of Service
- 為學童及家庭提供專業輔導及轉介服務
To provide professional counselling and referral services for the children and family - 舉辦親職教育小組及講座 To organize parent education groups and talks
- 舉辦鞏固家庭關係、培育幼兒成長的活動
To organize activities to facilitate harmonious family relationship and children nurturance - 為教職員及家長提供專業諮詢
To provide professional consultations to pre-primary institutions’ personnel and parents - 為有需要的個案提供危機支援
To deliver crisis intervention support for cases in need
服務特色 Features
- 及早識別及介入幼兒在家庭、學習、社交、情緒及行為上的需要及困難
Adopting early identification and intervention on children with family, learning, social, emotional and behavioural needs and difficulties - 與家庭及校方建立緊密聯繫,合力培育幼兒健康成長
Establishing a close co-working relationship with family and pre-primary institutions to foster the healthy development of children - 因應需要評估,提供適切的危機介入支援
Conducting professional assessment to provide adequate crisis intervention support - 協調社區資源並聯繫不同專業以提供適切服務
Coordinating community resources and connect professionals to provide adequate services - 在非常規駐校時間,提供突發事故的支援
Conducting professional assessment to provide adequate crisis intervention support